Friday, August 16, 2013

Eastside Story part 2.

Fast forward to college.  Still certain that I want to go into ministry, but attending Central Michigan University which is definitely not a "Christian school".  I was majoring in Communication (which I loved) and minoring in Youth Studies (which I loved even more).  Those two areas of study really taught me a lot and I believe God used them in profound ways to shape me in where I am now.
But right away in college I got involved in a campus ministry called His House and as soon as possible I started taking on leadership roles.  I lead a lifegroup my sophomore year, the dance team and youth group my junior year, the dance team and a spring break team my senior year and then came on staff with His House after Graduation as the Dance Ministry Intern.  As a staff member I lead the Dance Ministry team including the leaders of the team, co-lead a spring break mission trip to Dallas, TX and just returned on July 12 from a month long mission to South Africa which I co-lead as well.
I absolutely love the ministry of His House and loved what I did and the people I got to know.
But something was stirring in me that this wasn't it.
As much as I love college ministry and really really love dance, I knew God was calling me to youth.
And I became determined to find a job working with youth.
Even my supervisor at His House told me how thankful he was for my work and how much needed I've been in the ministry, but he couldn't deny my calling and gifting to work specifically with youth.
So I applied to different jobs, talked with a strong connection I had near home, and considered my options.
I had a lot to think about and I wrestled with ever settling on a decision.
I could never say "yes" to jobs that came my way, I just felt unsettled.

Then there was an interesting moment.
I was having an off-day (sometimes off-days seem more normal than whatever "on-days" would be...but you get it), and I was feeling really frustrated with my own shortcomings.
I was driving to go pick up a friend and just started praying out loud.
At first I was praying for God's guidance and direction to lead me in my life.
That I didn't want to make any decision apart from Him and I want to live in His wisdom every day.  I was praying that I wouldn't ignore His voice and I would know where He is moving and leading.
Then, without any conscious decision on my own, I just started praying for the next year very specifically.
Words were flowing from me that I didn't even have time to truly hold on to the thought.
I started praying specifically for guidance and direction in where God was leading me this next upcoming school year.
That I felt called out of College Ministry and into Youth Ministry and that I wanted to know where He was leading me and what He was doing.
As I pulled in to pick up my friend, put the car in park and said "Amen!", my phone rang.
It was Dave who was my boss at His House and oversees the creative arts department.
He had just got a call from Joe Vercellino.
Joe recently graduated from CMU and worked at His House for a period of time as well.  I knew him well because of His House and many experiences we had together.
Now Joe was teaching and working part time at a church.
His call to Dave was about his church looking for a youth pastor and wondering if Dave had any recommendations.
Dave wanted to recommend me, if that was ok.

So, here I am, feeling called to Youth Ministry, finding my season with college ministry wrapping up, applying for jobs but not feeling strongly about pursuing them (for whatever reason), and as I'm driving down the road praying mainly out of frustration, God leads me to praying specifically about His guidance and direction for just a few months down the road, and then the phone rings.
I stuttered to respond to Dave and told him I would be grateful if he put my name in.
That moment I will never forget.
I remember not being exactly sure about what just happened, and not being sure if that was real, but I couldn't wait to find out more. 

Find out more in the next and final blog about this incredible journey!
So thankful to YOU for being a part of it :)

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