Father God,
Guide my words as I write. Guide my steps as I lead. This world is yours. I am yours. Lead me like only You can. I love you, mighty King. :)
Your Girl.
There's a lot to say in a short time, but I am so honored to share stories with you.
Some days It's hard to believe that I'm here. 23 years old, working for a church who has blessed me in countless ways, where the hearts of the people who serve here are inspiring and welcoming, a place far away from what I've always known and yet I feel like family. A place that believes in me, supports me, prays for me and encourages me. I never pictured a place like this.
I never pictured being a 23 year old youth pastor at a church who is 3 years old and never had a youth pastor before. I never imagined starting something like this from the ground up. I never thought I'd gain the skills, understanding, or drive needed to do something like this, and I still have a long way to go.
But God knew. Isn't that cool?
And looking back He has been preparing me in steps and seasons all along the way for things coming in the future. He knows me. And He's bigger than anything, so my inabilities don't compare to His ability and His power.
With that being said I am daily humbled by His power; by His choice to move in and work with His people. I'm doing something I love! And I'm doing it with God. So when I look at my inability, my lack of understanding, my own failures, He's quick to remind me of His peace and His placing.
I am not at The Eastside by accident, and that's cool too.
And so with all the nerves in the world, but as much trust as I have in a faithful God, the first ever TEVC Youth Event was held on Sunday, September 15, 2013!
The goal was to build relationships.
Simple. Let the students come.
Let them be themselves.
Offer them snacks.
Facilitate conversation.
And help them to know that here, with these people, they're safe.
So without any previous time spent altogether I watched as kids came walking through the front door to be a part of an evening full of students their own age, conversation, s'mores and games.
Most of the students I have had a chance to begin getting to know one on one through church. So, seeing them in a setting like this was new. Not to mention most of them didn't really know each other.
So first, we grabbed snacks. Donuts, cider, chips, salsa, cookies, etc. and we talked.
"Let's go around and say our name. Tell an interesting fact about you or what you're into" was the opener.
And as kids got chances to talk about themselves cool connections were made. Doors were open.
Throughout the night we played games that I thought were awesome, but most of them hated.
(like Catch Phrase....c'mon now.)
And yet still, connections were made through that, and people came out of their shell.
As the night progressed we made our way out to the bonfire even with misty rain falling.
We roasted s'mores, played more games, asked each other questions and I could not help but be impressed with the students. They were allowing themselves to be themselves and I didn't have to do any prodding.
They felt comfortable.
And they were excited to be there.
I was so delighted and loved watching their personalities come out!
One student brought a football with him, and while he was the only kid in the group who played a sport, everyone jumped up to play.
Most of them saying "I've never played before, but i'll try it out!" and not scared to potentially look like a fool.
The rest of the night was a mix of games and conversation and cold wet feet.
The night wrapped up and slowly kids started getting picked up.
With the help of the awesome hosts, we cleaned up the place and I drove home late that evening with excitement.
As Dan told me in our meeting that following week, he had prepared to give me a pep talk. Thinking with the rain, the little amount of students we have in our church who fit the age group, and this being our first event ever, that maybe it would end up just being me and this would have been just a start to making something happen.
But when 9 students came, 4 of whom don't attend our church, and 5 out of the 9 being boys (which was unexpected) we were all smiles and thanking God.
We at Eastside firmly believe God is up to something here. I feel totally not equipped, but I know He is preparing me day by day and that He has it.
I'm just excited to be along for the journey =]
So whatever you're wrestling with God about.
Wherever you're feeling you're not capable of.
Whatever nerves are sprouting up and getting you to sit still rather than move forward,
Trust in God.
If He wills it, He'll do it. and He is faithful.
Just try.
And had the night been just me and no kids, it would have been ok.
Cause it's not failure God is concerned about, it's development.
See what He is doing, and join in!
Thanks for being a part of this with me and for all your prayers :)
Great post, Jess! It's wonderful to see how God is using you in that ministry. It's good to hear your updates. Love you!! ~ Jamie
ReplyDeleteJess, I loved this post. I know we haven't known each other that long, but this is so you. You always make people feel loved and important; we all want to feel that way but it's crucial for kids that age to feel that way. You take such an interest in every single person. These kids that went to your event probably didn't know what to expect, perhaps a little nervous...but I can just see you: your bright smile, your enthusiasm and your joy just shines making everyone feel comfortable and at ease. God is so smart. He has you in the exact place He needs you. I was tearing up as I was reading this. You bless every single person you come in contact with and I am so excited for these kids. I can't think of a better person for them to learn about God from. I miss you Jessica, and thanks for being you! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures as a youth pastor!