Monday, December 23, 2013

May your days be Merry and Light....

If I wasn't doing youth ministry I can't imagine what I would be doing with my time.
Sure, it's not the title of Youth Minister that defines me. But the calling to follow Jesus has lead me into a deep heart desire to reach out to youth everywhere and anywhere. Nothing else seems....right.
It's like to follow Jesus means to reach youth for His truth and Gospel Message. And I know this passion has been placed on my life.
So with every new day, I am excited to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of youth.

To Update You:
Eastside Youth (still looking for a name!) began meeting weekly in November. We meet every Sunday night and there are about 6 students who are consistent in meeting.

God has blessed me with incredible opportunities to spend time and build relationships with other youth both new to and outside of the church.

From the start I have expected God to show up and do what only He can do. I came into ministry praying for life-change. But when you begin to see it right before you, it's beyond comparison. God has been working simply through the context of relationships. As I have been able to know this kids and spend quality time with them I see doors opening that previously were tightly shut. And the more and more I dive in and have experiences with these students, the more I am surprised at what there is to learn about their lives.

I was telling a friend yesterday that lately I have been reminded of how first impressions and outside perceptions are never accurate. Maybe there is some truth that shines through, but I am so perplexed every time I learn something from someone that I never would have expected.
And this reminder has been coming specifically through the youth I have been spending time with. 
And as I think I've made such leeway I only come to learn that I have only scratched the surface. Sometimes that's the biggest challenge, but it's also a great joy.

My job is not to tell these kids what's right and what's wrong. I know there will be times that is necessary, but more and more I am learning that is the Holy Spirit's job. To convict, to reveal and to teach. All I can really do is speak and model truth about who Jesus is, then pray that they would center their lives completely around him. I can only ask for students who fall madly in love with their creator and live their lives in worship to Him. 
I look forward to that.

So there are challenges ahead, but as I said at the beginning, I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. So every challenge is worth the fight.

As we look at the upcoming season of Eastside Youth I am praying about becoming more of a presence in the Warren/Roseville/Fraser area. I have seen great movement there and feel deep within myself that something is stirring. So, I would DEEPLY appreciate any prayers that join in with that: to see God's will be done, to gain clarity as we move forward, to let God do what only He can do, and to make moves that are helpful, and effective.

Thank you to ALL for joining me in this journey. I'm thankful to walk alongside you in the mission!
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!! :)
Enjoy time with whoever you're spending it with and remember that God is with you wherever you go.

His Daughter,